About me

I’m a Chapel Hill alum with a passion for new ventures. After a stint at Deloitte Consulting, I co-founded a health-tech startup that matches patients with procedural specialists. From raising $2.4m, to managing teams, to pivoting business models, my journey has been about adaptability and resilience. Today, I’m driven by a desire to bring new technologies to market, work with bright and energetic teams, and improve the lives and livelihood of the colleagues and customers I meet along the way.



Beliefs and Convictions That Shape Me

Care Deeply

In leadership, empathy matters—care deeply, empathize, and the right actions will naturally follow.

Act more, Plan Less

Planning is great, but don’t plan yourself into a corner. Talk with clients, test, learn, and adapt. The more data points you gather, the faster you learn, the more nimble you can be. 

You don't Need the Answer

Leadership isn’t about having all the answers; admitting you don’t know can empower your team, build trust with your clients, and unburden yourself from undue stress.

Go the Extra Mile

Taking pride in your work sets you apart; deliver genuine value, avoid mediocrity, and stand out.

Show the Back of the Napkin

Hard conversations are a lot easier when you explain your logic. Doing so encourages healthy discourse and often arrives at a fair and desirable outcome.

Design Matters

Good design makes business sense. Design can be the difference between a product that sells and one that doesn’t. Give your product a chance to be evaluated.


Words Of Wisdom from Those Who inspire me